Seeds of Deception: A lie could hurt. So could the truth By Arlene L. Walker

Seeds of Deception: A lie could hurt. So could the truth By Arlene L. Walker
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Title:- Seeds of Deception
Author:- Arlene L. Walker
Genres:- Fiction
Pages:- 226
Language:- English
Publisher:- Fleetwood Publishing
Publishing Date:- 19/06/2019


Sput Louie McClendon her three sons & her husband Benjamin are freed slaves who are already living in a decrepit condition in Feather Falls, when their former owner and the town's tycoon Goliah Lynch, aka Old Crow evicts them without notice. Benjamin has a history with Goliah owing which, the frustrated and angry Benjamin decides to confront Goliah but goes missing with a bounty on his head. Now Sput has to not only look for a shelter but also find Benjamin. Resilient Sput begins the search. But then she gets to know about their family history and secrets which may alter their future. But where is Benjamin? Is he hurt or has he abandoned his family and fled? Or is he just hiding from everyone? But why? 

Based on the history of Native African Americans this book is based on the tension between the Cherokee Indians and their freed slaves, who fought for their basic rights after the civil war and their liberation.

The story is compelling but I struggled with the writing style as I believe such kind of writing needs an acquired taste. The language is Native so it was difficult for me to grasp at the beginning. But inspite of that, I was hooked on to the interesting mystery. I loved the character of Sput Louie and her spirited will was the backbone of the story. Such books based on the forgotten history of the dark times of humanity bring forth the knowledge hidden away from the plain sight for readers like us. For a heartfelt historical fiction experience, read this intriguing story.


Arlene L. Walker

Arlene L. Walker


Los Angeles, Ca USA


1. 4.5

2. 4.0

3. 5.0

4. 4.5
~tom drem

5. 4.0

~Amy in L.A.