The Miracle Morning!

About the Book & Author

The world-famous book ''The Miracle Morning: The not-so-obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life Before 8AM'' was written by great author ''Hal Elrod''. This book tells us about 6 Morning habits which we should do before 8 O'clock. The total number of pages in this book is 244.

Review of The Book

Hello guys, I hope you're doing absolutely fine. Today I'm going to tell you 6 Miracle Habit which is used by every Successful People, Businessman, CEO, etc.

''Hal Elrod'' became top sells man of his company at the age of 20 years. His relationship was going great, the family was happy and He was also enjoying life. Means everything was great going.

But one day when he was going his home after delivering the speech and His accident happened by another car. Because of the accident, his Leg broken, Arm broken, and got many severe injuries.

Then he was sent to the hospital by Doctors. Where he was in a coma for 6 days. and When He got up, Doctors told him, ''Your brain is totally damaged and you can't even walk in your whole life''.

After hearing he became sad and after some minutes he became positive & stopped worrying and he accepted the situation when He was.

He said to his mind, ''Now only 2 things could happen''.
1st as doctors said, ''I can not walk in my whole life''. If It happens, So I'll be the happiest handicap of the world.
2nd I will prove the doctor wrong and walk again.

After thinking these 2 things and he started having fun. Talking with his friend with a happy face, joking, etc. and doctors thought ''Hal Elrod'' is not able to accept the sad truth.

So, after all these ''Hal Elrod'' was getting better very fast and he starting walking in 3 weeks and proved doctors wrong.
After that ''Hal Elrod'' Back with more confidence and also he broke many records in his company, he started his own business, and got married, etc. and again everything was going best in his life.

And then he found some principle that helped ''Hal Elrod'' to get out of that situation where he was.
So, He got to know about the ''SAVERS'' habit.


Silence means, prayer & Mediation. But these days many people take stress just after getting up. Some people use their phone to know the likes in his new Facebook post, to see Instagram pics, etc.

While, If we talk about successful people they won't do these things, they start doing Yoga, Prayer & Meditation after getting up. which makes their brain relax.

2. Affirmation

Affirmation is a powerful technique that is used by many successful people. It's just a Positive statement repeated to ourselves. because of this that thing goes into our Subconscious Mind. And Mind makes the situation according to that.
Ex. If you say to yourself, ''I'm confident person, I'm a confident person, I'm a confident person''. So You will be fully confident in a few days.

3. Visualization

That is also a powerful technique that is similar to Affirmation. But in this technique, you create images in mind for the desired reality.
Ex. When Hal Elrod wanted to be better than before, so in a beginning he had to work hard, So he started Visualizing that he is getting better, He is going to be fine very soon. 

4. Exercise

Exercise has huge scientific benefits because of Exercise your brain gets more Oxygen and your brain releases Endorphin for better feel, etc. and your energy lever goes up for the whole day.
Hal Elrod says we don't need to go to the gym for exercise if we do exercise in our home for 5 minutes so that will be enough for our whole day.

5. Reading

The author says reading means is not to read New-Paper, Magazine & etc. Reading means to read books that will help you to ''Improve You''. like self-help books, communication books & business books.

6. Scribing

The author says Scribing means to write Your Goal, Dreams. Because By writing something magical happens which helps to complete our goal.
Ex. Make a whole day plan, Write your dreams which you want to get from your life.