Magic of thinking big



 About the Book

The world-famous book ''MAGIC OF THINKING BIG'' was written by great author ''DR DAVID J SCHWARTZ '' was a famous motivational speaker and personal development expert. Born in the United States in 1927, he went on to be a professor at Georgia State University, and later founded his own consultancy firm, Creative Educational Services Inc.

CES Inc. specialised in  life strategy and leadership development , subjects which SCHWARTZ went on to write several highly-acclaimed books about. He passed away in 1987. This book tells us about the true secrets of success- how to earn more, lead fearlessly and live a happier life, The total number of pages in this book is 384.

Review of The Book

Hello guys, We are back with another root to bud review of an amazing book named 'MAGIC OF THINKING BIG'. This book solely talks about  the true secrets of success- how to earn more, lead fearlessly and live a happier life So let's dive in and see how this book gonna help us. Let's begin.

Imagine You had a business idea in your mind, suddenly many negative thoughts come in your mind and discourage you about your idea in many ways like you don't have any experience, I have no money to start a business, there is a lot of competition etc. Why we are not able to think big? Why we find excuses for doing big things in life? and is there any solution for this? Today we are going to discuss this all and talk about David Schwartz book "THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG".

Schwartz says that we have an inbuilt habit, Schwartz named it 'excusitis'. It means habit of excuses. First most common excuse that everyone makes while thinking about success is I don't have intelligence like a successful person. Many people have this kind of excuse. When we talk about intelligence, almost everyone made some basic mistake. First that we think that we are less intelligent from other, second others are more intelligent that me. Because of this mindset many people fail because they think they don't have potential to win. Schwartz says that if a person has 100 IQ and he has a positive, optimistic and cooperative attitude so he will have more success than a person who has 120 IQ with a negative, unsupportive attitude.




  • Come out of an inferiority complex - don't compare yourself with others.
  • Your attitude is more important than your intelligence - practice having a positive attitude towards life and work. Don't find a way to skip a task, find a way to complete the task.
  • Don't record facts, think smartly - ask yourself "am I using my mental ability to make history or am I using it merely to record history made by others?"


Everyone has one common excuse before starting something new that I'm too old for doing that or I'm too young for doing that but the thing is that age is just a number. Mark Zuckerberg started his business when he was in college and Colonel Sanders started KFC at the age of 62.

How to overcome age excusitis.

There are two ways to overcome age excusitis

  • Do the work that you want to do in your future - don't think that you think it is too late to start work. Think that this is the right time to do work. Have a positive attitude towards what you want to do.
  • How many years do you have - Schwartz says that a person of age 70 can do creative work. So if you are 30 years old you still have 80% of your time left.


Schwartz says that everything that happens in our life good or bad it has some reason behind but if something happens good or bad in life people give credit to there luck for example Schwartz was doing launch with three junior executives and the center of talk was about george promotion, George was a junior executive like them but he get promoted, Why george get promotion these three people are discussing and digging the reason behind the promotion they believe that he has good luck, flattering behaviour etc. Means they find all the wrong reasons for George's promotion, But they didn't find the real reason behind George's promotion. Actually George was better then other executives, he is hard working and effective in his work. All three junior executives didn't find the real reason but they are just finding excuses to hide their failures and they are giving all credit to their bad luck and George's good luck. But there is nothing like bad or good luck, but the thing is just hard work and a positive attitude. When a mr.winner fails he learns something from it, but the mr.loser fails he learns nothing from it and makes excuses about it.

That's all from my side, This all i have read in chapter of THE MAGIC OF THINK BIG by David Schwartz. I hope you like it.